Level 1: Tool path & part validation
Level 2: G-code verification
Level 3: Simulate entire CNC machine
Multi-axis verification & CNC simulation
Integrate with your CAM system
What CAM system do you use? 3DEXPERIENCE Alphacam APT BobCAM Cadra NC CAM-TOOL CAMWorks CATIA CPD CATIA V4 CATIA V5 CATIA V6 CimatronE Cimlinc CREO Parametric Edgecam Esprit Exapt FeatureCAM Fibersim Fusion 360 GibbsCAM GO2Cam HyperMill IDEAS Mastercam MAX5 MAX-PAC NCG CAM NCL None: Manual Programming None: Program at Machine NX OneCNC Other PartMaker PEPS PowerMill RCS SolidCAM Space-E SprutCAM Surfcam System developed in-house Tebis TopSolid Cam TURBOSOFT VISI-Machining WorkNC
Document your process
Interested in Force optimization? Yes No
Simulate and verify probe cycles
Improve cutting efficiency
Gouge/excess detection
How many CNC machines at your shop
Describe any machines you would like to simulate
Include training on the quote YesNo
Preferred training location Onsite at my facility I'll travel to one of your scheduled training sessions I prefer online training (Go2Meeting)
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Country Australia Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Belarus Belgium Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England Eritrea Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guyana Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lebanon Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malaysia Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Netherlands New Zealand Northern Ireland Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Switzerland (French) Switzerland (German) Switzerland (Italian) Syria Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Wales Yugoslavia
ZIP / Postal Code
Business Email
Preferred Method of Contact Email Mail Phone
What is your problem and/or goal? Recently crashed a machine Spending too much time and money on prove-outs Recently purchased a new machine Increase productivity/reduce machining time Reduce costs Improve safety & training Lights out manufacturing Optimize tool paths Increase longevity of machine & cutting tools Better quality parts Reduce/eliminate scrap metal Make better use of programmer time/effort
Anything else to add?
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